
November 2015 – October 2018

IZADI-nano2industry – Injection moulding, casting and coating pilots for the production of improved components with nanomaterials for automotive, construction and agricultural machinery.

CemeCon Scandinavia has been a part of the IZADI-nano2industry project that ran over a three-year period. The purpose was a transfer of nanotechnology from the laboratory to the industry. This was done through the development of three pilots; Estcratch, Hardcast and Tribonano Pilot.

We participated in the Estcratch Pilot, together with other Danish and foreign companies. Our contribution was nanostructuring of plastic molding tools, to provide diffractive optical effects in the mould and in the plastic part.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N° 686165.

It contributed to improve the European Union’s ambition to make the European industry more innovative and more competitive.

You can hear more about the project in the project video or read more about it here.

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CemeCon Scandinavia A/S

Navervej 28, ​DK-8382 Hinnerup

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CVR-NR: 32293395


Telefon: +45 24 63 03 11

​E-mail: info@cemecon.dk

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